Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Term 2 PE

Term 2 PE


Learning intention: We are learning to send objects accurately


Success Criteria: I can …

Roll the ball along the ground towards the target

Step forward with my opposite foot

Point towards the target

Explain what I am trying to do when playing Skittles


(Players should take turns to use under arm throwing skills to send objects to knock over the cones)


Thursday, May 14, 2015

2015 Term 2 Maths

2015 Term 2 



We are learning to:

Measure the distance travelled by each toy in standard or non-standard units eg block lengths, straw lengths etc.  

Estimate – good guess



Success Criteria: 

We measure and estimate different distance our toys travelled. We even got a few of the estimates right! 


Our next step for learning:

·     is to measure distances carefully in appropriate units

to use centimetres or metres to measure the distance our cars/toys can go. 

2015 Tern 2 - Music

2015 Term 2 - Music

Beat and Rhythm
·      Students can keep a steady beat
·      Students can separate Beat from Rhythm and perform a rhythm pattern

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2015 Term 1 & 2 Writing

Term 1 & 2 Writing

Expressive writing - write spontaneously to record personal experiences


To use their own experiences for writing, and to begin to talk about some features of their own writing.
To begin to understand and use capital letters and fullstops.
To use simple sentences with some variation in beginnings. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Art Term 1 2015

Term 1 Art Attack

I am learning to
  • create a self-portrait
  • talk about my own art work and artwork created by others

Success Criteria
  • To create a portrait where my facial features are the right size and shape and are drawn in the right place on my face.

Next step
  • All facial features are in proportion and correctly placed.